What is swinging bridges? Waihe'e Valley Trail, also known as Swinging Bridges, is an easy 4-mile trail leading alongside an irrigation ditch over two suspension foot bridges on lands owned by Wailuku Water Co. -- formerly known as Wailuku Agribusiness. It is trespassing if you do not get a hiking permit directly from the landowners; however, there has not been any enforcement in years. There is a small fee to pay in order to cross private lands leading to the hike -- but it is a small price to pay for peace of mind that your car will not get broken into, that there won't be any "scary" people further back on the hike partaking in questionable activities, and that there will be mosquito repellent available when you forget your own. Four-miles, I'm not sure if that means 8-miles round trip, but either way my girls made it without loosing it and I am a proud mommy. Better yet? I am a proud mommy who got in a good hike, with some weight training (carrying a three year old on your back I think more than qualifies) thrown in their to boot.
Later that evening we went out to dinner with Aunty De-- mexican food at Fred's then went roller skating -- all in all a pretty active day and in total keeping with The Quest. I am finding my way back to me slowly but surely.
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